
It's been quite a hiatus since i last posted anything worth noting.

Photo: stock image of the shaft of a Tesla’s rocket with my note discussing the idea of a futuristic rocket-like vehicle.

It’s been quite a hiatus since i last posted anything worth noting, here’s why.

Lately I’ve been coming up with crazy ideas in both the novel and scientific project. There’s also a manga review in production. Yet none of which have come into fruition. It all started in September when I first got used to the concept of paying for Steam games, and ever since there’s been this need of constantly being fed hours of non-fulfilling games, particularly L4D2 - the trailblazer - and Fallout New Vegas, among others. Indeed, it comes at a heavy price, partly in the forms of my underperformance across all subjects and not to mention, of my lack of self-satisfaction in every aspect of life. The tendency now goes that I’m always underwhelmed: late for class, late for homework, late for deadlines, comprised of both work and personal ones. The climax, I daresay, speaks volumes in my Chemistry exam where I scored barely above average. Quite a shame.

Partly I blame it to my somewhat mild depression - as a result of my previous failures in reaching certain life goals.

Time to curb my addiction. In every way it is now the time of great urgence given that upcoming is my High School test and, if possible, my application for an abroad study.

There are few ways to compensate this other than some serious nighters, albeit due to procrastination my entire life has BEEN a nighter-pocalypse. Therefore, I devise that a schedule, and some form of adherence, be necessary. Better yet, I believe that working in groups, particularly among productive people, should arouse my innate desire to strive for more, overcoming this languid feeling of restless self-entertainment when I’m momentarily devoid of any specific goals (in fact, I do admit that however the reminder list is laid, I find it rare that it attracts me more than the nagging sensation of “just 15 minutes of fallout and I will still be fine”).

Whatever, I’ll just try. By the way, happy new year 2021. Made a resolution on Facebook already but I’ve been too lazy to translate it.

Cheers! :-)

A weblog of Le Nguyen Gia Bao.
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